KordaMentha is defined by our people, by their stories. Many started with us 20 years ago and to watch them grow both personally and professionally is something that's very special.
Supporting our people

Scott Langdon Partner
We support our people and their passions, so they can make a positive difference in ways that matter to them.

Hear from our clients
Since 2002, we’ve proven ourselves, growing the firm across Asia Pacific, diversifying our services, and taking on challenging projects while maintaining our unique culture.
Hear from our people

And so it began
KordaMentha was founded in 2002 by Mark Korda and Mark Mentha. After the collapse of Arthur Andersen, Mark and Mark took their first steps in a new era. With 40 employees, many of whom were ex-Andersen colleagues, they opened KordaMentha’s first practice in Melbourne. Over the last 20 years, KordaMentha has grown to over 350 people across Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Townsville, Perth, Singapore and Jakarta.

The Ansett Group was Australia’s second largest airline with >AUD 3 billion turnover, >15,000 employees, a fleet of 133 aircraft and >350 premises. Mark Korda and Mark Mentha were appointed new Administrators of this aviation icon and took on Australia’s largest Voluntary Administration. They restarted operations and managed the sale of some Ansett businesses as going concerns, allowing several thousand employees to keep their jobs. Focussed on an orderly sale of assets, they also delivered $730 million net distributions ($140 million more than the original estimate). Working alongside hundreds of Ansett’s former employees, the community voice was prominent through the process, and the final realisation of assets brought closure.

KordaMentha was appointed as Receivers and Managers to Australia’s largest producer and distributor Atlantic salmon following a $6.2 million loss. We executed a turnaround plan, including freeing up cash flow, merging services and shutting loss-making divisions. In an unprecedented move, we acquired the business and assets of Nortas, Australia's third largest salmon producer and Tassal’s biggest competitor. The combined businesses were then sold for an EBIT multiple of 4.7 times on projected EBIT. Tassal moved out of receivership later that year, listed on the Australian Stock Exchange and recorded a net profit after tax of $11.4 million in the first seven months.
Perth & Sydney office open

333 Capital
333 Capital was established in 2004 to offer independent and entrepreneurial corporate advice to private business owners and listed company clients. Growth in 2010 saw the team expand across our Melbourne and Sydney offices. Our team of advisors continues working with both public and private sectors, providing consulting services to acquire, build and sell businesses and raising capital.

Supporting Chain Reaction
The Chain Reaction Challenge Foundation was founded in 2007 by KordaMentha Partner, Berrick Wilson. From the outset, KordaMentha has been actively engaged with the Chain Reaction Challenge Foundation, housing the team within our Melbourne office and providing ongoing technology and administrative support. Additionally, several KordaMentha staff have participated in the Chain Reaction rides over the years and contributed to the over $40 million raised to date.
Diversifying into forensic services
Since 2007, our Forensic practice has gone from strength to strength. We have grown and diversified, becoming one of the largest forensic groups in the Asia-Pacific region. Today, our multi-disciplinary team of investigators, forensic accountants and technology experts are regularly called upon to provide evidence in high-profile disputes and investigations.

Expanding into Asia with a Singapore office

Timbercorp Group comprised 41 companies with debts totalling over $750 million when our Restructuring group was appointed as Voluntary Administrators. Significant operations across regional Australia included the world’s second largest almond orchard and other plantations. With value in the upcoming almond and olive harvest, we negotiated an agreement to ensure ongoing maintenance as well as organising Australia’s largest pollination of almond trees in just two weeks. 52,000 hives of bees (around 1.6 billion bees) were sourced from beekeepers in three states. The almond orchard was saved, and further sold for $128 million. The sale ensured ongoing employment opportunities and ongoing connection to Victoria’s rural economy.
Growing Real Estate services
Our Real Estate group diversified in 2010, shifting focus away from involvement in restructuring and towards investment advisory and property development opportunities. With continued growth, they also expanded beyond their Melbourne base into our Sydney and Brisbane offices.
Gunns Forest Products
Gunns Forest Products (‘GFP’) was Australia’s leading forestry and woodchip export business, with over 200,000 planted hectares. KordaMentha’s Restructuring team was appointed as Receivers and Managers of all entities within the Gunns Limited Group of Companies and was tasked to assess viability of the woodchip export business. Through a competitive sale process, GFP’s assets were sold in one line to New Forests (Forico) less than three months after appointment. We prevented any job losses, with all employees and their full entitlements successfully transferred to the new purchaser.
Opening of offices in Brisbane & Townsville

KM Develop - property development
KM Develop was established in 2013 following years of prior experience in managing complex development projects and investments. KM Sales & Marketing a specialist residential property sales and marketing group was established to provide tailored project marketing solutions for property developers.

Transforming Oracle
Oracle, Broadbeach, comprised 507 residential apartments across two towers, 4,000 sq.m of retail tenancies and 6,700 sq.m of commercial tenancies – and was one of Australia’s largest mixed-use projects. The project faltered soon after completion due to the GFC. KordaMentha was appointed to take control and delivered over $105 million in residential pre-sale settlements, successfully defended $15 million in litigation, leased over 9,000 sq.m of retail and commercial tenancies, sold the retail and commercial complex for $65 million and sold and settled more than 240 apartments valued at over $245 million.

Review of NBN
Our Forensic group led the ‘forensic audit’ work stream of the strategic and financial review of Australia's largest ever infrastructure and construction project (NBN Co.) on behalf of the Australian Federal Government. We provided a review of governance, management, the accountability of the Board and officers.

Australia’s leading steel manufacturing and distribution business was under crippling debt of over $4 billion. KordaMentha was appointed to restructure the business and save the city of Whyalla - a community entirely dependent on Arrium’s mining and steelworks operations. We achieved minimal redundancies, a competitive sale process and settlement for USD 1.23 billion and returns to creditors materially exceeding expectations.

Corporate consulting
Our Corporate Group formed in 2016, bringing together industry experts with significant experience working with Boards and management and solving complex financial, commercial and operational issues. Our turnaround and transformation specialists have since worked with a wide variety of businesses and organisations, tackling entrenched problems, often considered too difficult or intractable by insiders, and delivering significant and sustainable change for our clients.

Masters Home Improvement wind down
Big-box hardware chain Masters Home Improvement had failed to effectively penetrate the lucrative home improvement market dominated by Bunnings Warehouse. KordaMentha was engaged to assist senior leadership to plan and implement a managed wind down and closure of the Masters business. Focussed on a smooth transition and preserving value, where possible, all 63 Masters sites were vacated on time and on budget. We sold all inventory, recovering more than 90c in the dollar on cost, and exceeded the target by $60 million. From 6,500 Masters staff, 1,639 were redeployed across the Woolworths group and a further 600 employees were supported by external job placement partners. Guided by a ‘people first’ approach, our project team managed successfully managed Australia’s largest-ever solvent business exit.
Acquisition of property funds management company
KordaMentha announced its expansion into unlisted commercial property funds management with the acquisition of Placer Property. The expansion allowed KordaMentha to offer high-quality commercial property investment opportunities to a range of investors

Transformation of CAHLN
Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) was an organisation in systemic distress, forecasting a $274 million FY19 budget overrun. We undertook a diagnostic review and developed and implemented an end-to-end transformation of CALHN. We delivered >$150 million annual financial improvement and enhanced performance against the National Efficient Price by 10%.

Network 10 transformation
Following half year losses of $232 million reported in 2017, Network 10 went into voluntary administration and was acquired by US television giant CBS (now ViacomCBS). KordaMentha was appointed as interim Chief Transformation Officer by ViacomCBS Australia. We designed and delivered a transformation program, realising operational synergies and efficiencies and investing in new growth opportunities. We delivered circa $100 million in year one savings. We also achieved an approximate 10% reduction in existing workforce costs and redeployment of capacity toward growth areas.

Virgin Australia acquisition
Global private equity investor, Bain Capital, engaged us to provide transaction advice and a road map for acquiring Virgin out of voluntary administration. We worked with Bain Capital, Virgin Australia and Herbert Smith Freehills to manage stakeholder relationships and renegotiate hundreds of contracts in the Deed of Company Arrangement period. Working with Bain Capital and Virgin Australia post-acquisition, we worked on key transformation streams. Ultimately, we delivered an inventive purchasing structure and implementation strategy to ensure a lower and more flexible cost base, a refreshed commercial strategy and a dynamic new business structure for Virgin 2.0.

Expansion of Cyber
As the cyber threat landscape continues to evolve, KordaMentha has expanded its Cybersecurity & Technology service offering. Our cybersecurity, digital forensics, eDiscovery and data analytics experts work with clients on risk reviews and management and robust incident response and recovery.

None of this would be possible without you
- Aaron Johnstone,
- Aaron Swaffield,
- Adam Jose,
- Adora Gaddi,
- Agnelo Sladen,
- Alena Foster,
- Alysha Mathieson,
- Amanda Hale,
- Amber Christmas,
- Amy Gibbons,
- Anastasia Nikitaras,
- Andrej Yaksender,
- Andrew Burns,
- Andrew Knight,
- Andrew Malarkey,
- Andrew Maundrell,
- Andrew Mitchell,
- Andrew Perks,
- Andrew Reed,
- Andrew Ross,
- Andrew Ryan,
- Andrew Zheng,
- Anna Brosnan,
- Annabel Yencken,
- Anthony Miskiewicz,
- Anthony Palmer,
- Anthony Ranauro,
- Antony Munro,
- Anya Gielen,
- Belinda Oswald,
- Belinda Rees,
- Benjamin Carruthers,
- Benjamin Mahler,
- Bernadette Spiteri,
- Berrick Wilson,
- Braden Kempthorne,
- Bradley Bennett,
- Brady Holdsworth,
- Brendan Barley,
- Brendan Cahill,
- Brendan Read,
- Brian Smith,
- Brian Wood,
- Brianna Dwyer,
- Brianna Van Der Meer,
- Bridgette Barker,
- Brigitte Lonie,
- Brittany Lincoln,
- Brittany Mullins,
- Bruce O'Shea,
- Bryan Pearson,
- Bryan Webster,
- Caitlin Vollmer,
- Caitlyn Kelly,
- Cameron Duncan,
- Cameron Graham,
- Camila Garcia,
- Campbell Stretch,
- Carolyn Ashby,
- Catherine Lee,
- Chad Gracie,
- Charlie Holland,
- Charlotte Galyer,
- Chelsea Rowe,
- Chez Fraser,
- Christina Ruiz,
- Christine Meagher,
- Christopher Martin,
- Christopher Meehan,
- Christopher Sykes,
- Claire Leong,
- Clarisse Lemos,
- Craig Shepard,
- Crystal Shen,
- Damian Wong,
- Damien Rosario,
- Daniel Beddison,
- Daniel Howes,
- Danielle Brown,
- David Barrie,
- David Hoey,
- David Johnstone,
- David Kim,
- David Leahey,
- David Oakman,
- David Omond,
- David Osborne,
- David Sherwood,
- David van Homrigh,
- David Wallis,
- David Winterbottom,
- Declan Burke,
- Dewi,
- Diana D'Amato,
- Dominic Tse,
- Donna-Rae Bentley,
- Dugald Holloway,
- Duncan Parry,
- Dylan Genau,
- Eden Segota,
- Edward Fitzgerald,
- Edward Kim,
- Edward Walker,
- Eliza Jones,
- Elizabeth Buchanan,
- Elizabeth Jacob,
- Elliott McCorriston,
- Eloise Moran,
- Elyse Diamond,
- Emily Low,
- Emily MacLennan,
- Emma Gray,
- Eric Eekhof,
- Erin Bentley
- Eunice Yeo,
- Evan Hewitt,
- Faddy Fan,
- Fergus Calder,
- Freya Riddel,
- Gabrial Dickson,
- Glen Reeves,
- Glen Stallworthy,
- Grant Whiteley,
- Haydn Law,
- Henriette Rothschild,
- Husnia Noori,
- Isabelle Brown,
- Ivy Lee,
- Jack Gibson,
- Jackie Cook,
- Jacob Timmerman,
- Jacqueline Koo,
- Jade Reggio,
- James Bowes,
- James King,
- James Mentha,
- James Wagg,
- Jane Ayers,
- Jared Duncan,
- Jared Palandri,
- Jarron Puszet,
- Jasmine Alhabsyi,
- Jason Bignell,
- Jayde Pezet,
- Jenna Buchanan,
- Jennifer Bolger,
- Jennifer Nettleton,
- Jeremy Weir,
- Jessie Harman,
- Jia Chung,
- Joanie Zhang,
- Joanne Nguyen,
- Jody Richards,
- John Bumbak,
- John Dawson,
- John Mouawad,
- John Temple-Cole,
- Jonah Watt,
- Jonathan Prideaux,
- Jonathon Pruden,
- Jordan Galante,
- Joseph Kerins,
- Joseph Kozera,
- Joshua Hanafi,
- Josphine Torno,
- Julia Patterson,
- Julian Derrick,
- Julie Scardamaglia,
- Julien Cartron,
- Justin Shardey,
- Justine Power,
- Kari Iwancz,
- Kate Conneely,
- Kate Gavathas,
- Katherine Butler,
- Kathleen Poletto,
- Kayne Domanko,
- Kejia Qiu,
- Kellie Parsons,
- Kerry Hall,
- Khaled Ahsan,
- Khang Nguyen,
- Kinsey Huang,
- Kirby Poulter,
- Kirsty Short,
- Kriti Mehta,
- Kumar Tiwari,
- Kyle Carless,
- Lara Wiggins,
- Leanne Chesser,
- Levina Tan,
- Liam Ryan,
- Liam Woods,
- Lillie Callow,
- Loo Yan,
- Luke Bradley,
- Luke Deakin,
- Lyndon Wise,
- Maddison Burrows,
- Madeline Fraser,
- Madison Maurer,
- Magdalena Di Vincenzo,
- Marcus Tamlin,
- Mario Papaleo,
- Mark Calvert,
- Mark Korda,
- Mark Mentha,
- Marsha Garrison,
- Martin Madden,
- Mary Barnett,
- Matthew Celand,
- Matthew Fleming,
- Matt Raso,
- Matthew Stokeld,
- Matthew Thomson,
- Matthew Weeks,
- Max Taylor,
- Mee Wong,
- Megumi Gavin,
- Meixin Yu,
- Melissa Galletta,
- Michael Barrington-Smith,
- Michael Butler,
- Michael Gregory,
- Michael Korda,
- Michael Paino,
- Michelle Hembury,
- Michelle Young,
- Mimi Green,
- Mitchell Banks,
- Naomi Abela,
- Naomi Read,
- Natalie Chin,
- Natasha Pezet,
- Neil Hayward,
- Ngoc Nguyen,
- Nicholas Crockett,
- Nicholas Gill,
- Nicholas Griffin,
- Nicholas Hardgrave,
- Nicholas Short,
- Nicholas Spanner,
- Nicholas Waddell,
- Nicola Panizza,
- Nigel Carson,
- Nikolai Paxton,
- Nisha McArthur,
- Noah Jacobson,
- Olivia Gulvin,
- Owain Stone,
- Panji Wisnu,
- Patrick Quigley,
- Paul Hewson,
- Paul Mirams,
- Paul Pracilio,
- Paula Joseph,
- Peter Murray,
- PJ Calhoun,
- Poppy Potter,
- Rahul Goyal,
- Rance Clarke,
- Rebecca Cassin,
- Renee Taylor,
- Richard Bolton,
- Richard Forbes,
- Richard Tucker,
- Robert Hull,
- Robert Hutson,
- Roland Winter,
- Roman Barbera,
- Romas Vieraitis,
- Ronald Holtshausen,
- Rowan Patey,
- Ruby Lee,
- Rui Ang,
- Ryan Rabbitt,
- Ryan Wadsworth,
- Sally Davitt,
- Samantha Climo,
- Samantha Connell,
- Samantha Farthing,
- Samantha Paino,
- Samuel Bishop,
- Samuel Briggs,
- Samuel Broughton,
- Samuel Hermann,
- Samuel Neo,
- Samuel Randell,
- Samuel Stewart,
- Samuel Woods,
- Sarah Alley,
- Sarah Coffield,
- Sarah Hill,
- Scott Kershaw,
- Scott Langdon,
- Scott Venticinque,
- Sebastian Ahmeti,
- Sebastian Hams,
- Sen Batewela,
- Sharon Ihle,
- Shilppa Sabarinathann,
- Shimin Lin,
- Simon Ezard,
- Simon Harris,
- Simon Ondaatje,
- Simon Wisniak,
- Sirling Chuah,
- Siti Abdul Rahim,
- Sofia Hear Yang Ting,
- Sophia Paikopoulos,
- Sophia Spiliotopoulos,
- Sophie Button-Sloan,
- Sophie Gibbons,
- Stacey Clisby,
- Stephanie Rockefeller,
- Stephen Edwards,
- Stephen Glanville,
- Steven Cunningham,
- Steven Wong,
- Stewart Madsen,
- Susan Sing,
- Suzanne Wauchope,
- Tesa Rianto,
- Tess Law,
- Theresa Mohr,
- Thomas Davis,
- Thomas Hill,
- Thomas Korda,
- Thomas Peacock,
- Thomas Webb,
- Tiffany Shirley,
- Timothy Cole,
- Timothy Mulvaney,
- Timothy Myers,
- Todd Matheson,
- Tomas Lee,
- Tommy Arianto,
- Tracey Crawford,
- Travis de Silva,
- Tristan Aumann,
- Trudi Shepard,
- Tully Cameron,
- Vanessa Johns,
- Victor Ding,
- Virginia Bullock,
- Vishka Peiris,
- Willem Veenhuyzen,
- William Dyson,
- William Fell,
- William Mentha,
- William Psaros,
- Yvonne Willich,
- Zachary Pearson,
- Zachary Voll,
- Zack van Zyl,
- and Zendie De Guzma